News feed:Paternity(组图)

发布 : 2019-10-23  来源 : 明报新闻网



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People in Paris, France protest against a bill that will let lesbian couples and single women bear children.

Despite recent upheavals (动荡) in society, Hong Kong still performs well in the WEF ranking.


【明报专讯】THE French National Assembly has passed a bill making it possible for lesbian couples and single women to have babies with medical assistance. That has sparked a protest against it. Protesters are concerned that a family without a father might be problematic. Some have even changed the country's motto to "Liberty, Equality, Paternity", upholding traditional family ethics. What do you think?


HONG KONG has been ranked as the world's third most competitive city by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Last year it was in seventh place. Despite getting top marks in four categories, Hong Kong's biggest weakness lies in its inability to innovate new things and lack of labour protection.

An apologist for the devil?

LAURELS aren't always noble, especially when those who wear them are caught up in controversies. Austrian novelist Peter Handke has won this year's Nobel Literature Prize because of his exploration of "the periphery (边陲) and the specificity (独特性) of human experience". He is known for being an apologist for Slobodan Milo?evi? (米洛舍维奇), a Yugoslav and Serbian political leader accused of committing war crimes. One author describes the choice as "troubling". (图3)

■Gear up

According to the text, circle the correct answer.

(1) Some people in France took to the streets protesting against a law that allows lesbian couples and single women to have children with medical help. ( True / False )

(2) Hong Kong is ranked first in the WEF ranking. ( True / False )

(3) Peter Handke has won the Nobel Literature Prize because he praised Milo?evi?. ( True / False )

(Answers on next text)


motto (n) 格言

paternity (n) 父亲身分

innovate (v) 创造

apologist (n) 辩护者

[Smarties' Power English 第257期]